Please take a moment to sign my guestbook.
Name: | Charlesmic |
Email: | toilrodion{at}gmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Doha |
Comments: | Ö³ ïðàâèëà äîïîìîæóòü çíèçèòè ðèçèê ïîêóïêè íåÿê³ñíîãî àáî íåáåçïå÷íîãî äëÿ çäîðîâ'ÿ ïî÷âîãðóíòà, îäíàê 100% ãàðàíò³þ ìîæóòü äàòè ò³ëüêè õ³ì³÷í³ àíàë³çè çðàçê³â, â³ä³áðàíèõ ç çàâîçèòüñÿ ïî÷âîã |
| |
| June 5, 2021 12:50:29 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Charlesmic |
Email: | toilrodion{at}gmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Doha |
Comments: | ×îðíîçåì - öå ðîäþ÷à çåìëÿ, íàñè÷åíà ãóìóñîì ³ ì³íåðàëüíèìè ñïîëóêàìè, ÿê³ äîçâîëÿþòü ðîñëèíàì îòðèìóâàòè àçîò, çàë³çî, ñ³ðêó, ôîñôîð. Ò³ñíà âçàºìîä³ÿ êë³ìàòó, òðàâ'ÿíèñòî¿ ðîñëèííîñò³, ðåëüºôó |
| |
| June 3, 2021 04:17:32 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bryancag |
Email: | trotidkfme{at}gmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Virbalis |
Comments: | ×îðíîçåì äîñèòü äîðîãèé, îñê³ëüêè âèäîáóâàºòüñÿ â³í ïðèðîäíèì øëÿõîì ò³ëüêè â ïåâíèõ ì³ñöÿõ. Ó Ðîñ³¿ öå Çàõ³äíà Ñèá³ð, ϳâí³÷íèé Êàâêàç, Ïîâîëæÿ ³ äåÿê³ öåíòðàëüí³ ðàéîíè. Ïðè öüîìó äàëåêî íå ó â |
| |
| March 21, 2021 11:08:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bryancag |
Email: | trotidkfme{at}gmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Virbalis |
Comments: | Íèçèíí³ òà ïåðåõ³äí³ òîðôó, ùî ñêëàäàþòüñÿ ç ïåðåïð³ëè çàëèøê³â äåðåâíî¿ òà òðàâ'ÿíèñòî¿ ðîñëèííîñò³, á³ëüø ðîäþ÷³, í³æ âåðõîâ³. Íèçèíí³ òà ïåðåõ³äí³ òîðôó õàðàêòåðèçóþòüñÿ: âèñîêîþ çîëüí³ñò& |
| |
| February 17, 2021 00:49:00 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Patrickflaxy |
Email: | gt759892{at}gmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Willemstad |
Comments: | Íè ðàç êàðòèíà ñòðîé äåë íå ñëó÷àåòñÿ áåç ðîëè â íåì ïåñî÷íûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ. Ïåñîê - íåîòúåìëåìûé ñîñòàâëÿþùóþ â áåòîííîì ðàñòâîðå, èìåþùèé áåçóïðå÷íûå âîäîíåïðîíèöàåìûå è ñûïó÷èå êà÷åñòâà. Âîçâ |
| |
| March 1, 2020 00:51:02 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Patrickflaxy |
Email: | gt759892{at}gmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Willemstad |
Comments: | Íàõîäÿòñÿ â çàâèñèìîñòè îíè îò åãî ïðåäíàçíà÷åíèÿ. Îáëàñòü, â êîòîðîé ñòàíåò ïðèìåíÿòüñÿ ïåñîê, âûáèðàåòñÿ èñõîäÿ èç åãî õàðàêòåðèñòèê: ïðèñóòñòâèå ãëèíÿíûõ ÷àñòè÷åê, âåëè÷èíîé çåðíûøåê, ðàçì |
| |
| February 23, 2020 07:49:49 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Megan Fitzgerald Ward |
Email: | mward{at}brynmawr.edu |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Havertown, PA |
Comments: | Hi Leslie, I am Ray and Evelyn Hultman Fitzgerald's oldest granddaughter.
Not sure if this address works. I will email you through ancestry.com |
| |
| August 8, 2012 19:30:45 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Megan Fitzgerald Ward |
Email: | mward{at}brynmawr.edu |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | |
Comments: | Hi Leslie, I am Ray and Evelyn Hultman Fitzgerald's oldest granddaughter.
Not sure if this address works. I will email you through ancestry.com |
| |
| August 8, 2012 19:24:03 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Megan |
Email: | MJLee1986{at}msn.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Fredericksburg VA |
Comments: | |
| |
| April 24, 2008 01:58:04 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rhonda Maloney |
Email: | rhonda_maloney@jhancock.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Douglassville, pa |
Comments: | I was thinking of Aunt Margaret and her wedding picture brought a smile to my face. thanks. |
| |
| January 3, 2005 18:59:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sabah Ahmed Afandi |
Email: | s_afandi@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Saudi Arabia |
Comments: | Thank you so much for that big big file you gave Mama. It will take me for ever to read. I glanced at it. My god what a lot of work, but I think everyone thank you for it. God give you strength for a very good job, you can pat yourself on the back. |
| |
| August 26, 2003 15:51:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | |
Comments: | |
| |
| April 15, 2003 18:48:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sabah Afandi |
Email: | s_afandi@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Saudi Arabia |
Comments: | I Cindy said, I always enjoy to see what's new. My question is "Why there's no page for Aunt Elizabeth?". |
| |
| Febuary 26, 2003 16:32:19 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Cindy Shick |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Michigan |
Comments: | Always enjoy seeing what is new!!
| |
| Febuary 10, 2003 12:09:48 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mohammed Sabri |
Email: | mo_saab@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Jeddah,Saudi Arabia |
Comments: | It's nice to see a page that contains a lot of old pictures so we can get to know our family more better and i hope to find new pictures of the new young generation so we can keep in touch as one big family . Mary Jane's grandson ( Sabah's eldest son ) |
| |
| January 18, 2003 09:28:01 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Gerald Courtright |
Email: | DewMan60@aol.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Point of Rocks, Maryland |
Comments: | Wow. Up to this point I didn't know anything about my dad's family or if he even had any. Would you be interested in any photos of Gerald? |
| |
| October 19, 2002 01:01:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Debbie Courtright-Nash |
Email: | Debra.Courtright-Nash@uc.edu |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Cincinnati, Ohio |
Comments: | It's amazing to see all these photos! Thank you for all your work Leslie!! |
| |
| October 2, 2002 03:55:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Debbie Courtright-Nash |
Email: | Debra.Courtright-Nash@uc.edu |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Cincinnati, Ohio |
Comments: | It's amazing to see all these photos! Thank you for all your work Leslie!! |
| |
| October 2, 2002 03:55:55 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Khalid Afandi |
Email: | afandika@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Houston, Texas |
Comments: | I really enjoyed looking at the photos and hope to see more. Please continue to updated the web and inform us.
Thank you and best regards,
| |
| September 12, 2002 11:31:49 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sabah Ahmed Saeed Afandi |
Email: | s_afandi@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | I'm Mary Jane's daughter from Saudi Arabia |
Comments: | Love to see more! Very intresting to Know our roots! |
| |
| August 17, 2002 19:31:17 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mark Courtright |
Email: | ecourt@michiana.org |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Mishawaka, Indiana |
Comments: | Well done. |
| |
| August 17, 2002 15:03:46 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sana Ahmed Afandi |
Email: | safandi@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Bahrain |
Comments: | great site!!loved the pictuers whos the baby on the page2? |
| |
| August 17, 2002 09:40:02 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rich & Renee Pusey |
Email: | rpusey@verizon.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Birdsboro, Pa. |
Comments: | Enjoyed the pictures! |
| |
| July 27, 2002 12:42:49 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rob Harris |
Email: | harrisrob@fast.net |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Somewhere over the rainbow |
Comments: | Cool page, Leslie! |
| |
| July 19, 2002 23:48:53 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rose Courtright Harris |
Email: | rlharris@fast.net |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Holland, PA |
Comments: | |
| |
| July 19, 2002 13:09:39 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Cindy (Courtright) Shick |
Email: | cshick@cms.maisd.com |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Stanton, MI |
Comments: | Nice work Leslie!! |
| |
| June 14, 2002 14:08:13 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Leslie Silka |
Email: | chatkatt@velocity.net |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Pennsylvania |
Comments: | Now living in Erie, PA. |
| |
| May 21, 2002 14:13:42 (GMT Time) |